
Jack Knob Trail and Brasstown Bald

June,16, 2020

Here’s a short write-up about an old hike we did before we launched VanDelicious.

Brasstown Bald, which sits in the middle of the Chattahoochee – Oconee National Forests, is Georgia’s highest peak at 4,784 feet above sea level. Rusty and I were eager to see the observation tower at the top, tour the museum, and hike the historic Wagon Train Trail, which was originally constructed in the 1950s as part of Georgia’s Route 66.

Alas, when we arrived at the road that leads to the Brasstown Bald Visitor Center, the gate was closed, along with their facilities (a Covid-19 casualty). We were not to be deterred, however, as we had come there to hike a trail, any trail we could find. Near the gate we saw a trailhead for Jack Knob Trail, which climbed to the top of a ridge, then slowly dipped down into the parking lot where the Visitor Center was located.

This was one of our first true elevation hikes since the lockdown, and our legs were like rubber bands after just 2 ½ miles of climbing to the ridge. But the hike was really beautiful, and the weather was perfect! The trail was about 3 ½ miles to the parking lot, where we ate lunch and then continued up a paved path to Brasstown Bald and the observatory, which was also closed. After Rusty took a few photos, he practically ran down the first part of the trail to the visitor center, and then the two of us headed back on the Jack Knob Trail, and back to our van, for a total of 8 miles of hiking that day.

Brasstown Bald and the Visitor Center have since reopened and are worth a visit if you’re ever passing by.

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