Colcannon is a rich, dreamy Irish potato dish, traditionally loaded with butter and cream. We’ve lightened up our version with plant butter and nut milk, and changed the normal cooking method in order to conserve fuel.
This makes 2-3 servings
- 3 medium red potatoes, scrubbed and cubed
- 3 small “spring” onions with their greens, or 2-leeks, cleaned and trimmed
- ½ small cabbage, thinly sliced
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 4 Tbsp plant butter
- ¾ cup nut milk, more or less
- Salt and pepper
- ½ tsp nutmeg
- 3 scallions, thinly sliced
Boil cubed potatoes in water or broth until tender. Drain, leaving a little hot water left in the pot. While potatoes are cooking, thinly slice onions and cabbage, then sauté in olive oil until tender and golden. When potatoes are done, mash them well, adding plant butter, nut milk, salt, pepper, and nutmeg to desired taste and consistency. Gently stir in cabbage and onion mixture. Serve with sliced scallions sprinkled over the top. Colcannon can be served as a main or side dish. Here we’ve served it with steelhead trout and mustard sauce.